Cake and muffin lines
Complete standard line consists of the following equipment:
- flour silos,
- mixing centre with turbo mixer with flour, water and ingredient dosing,
- metal or silicone tins loading equipment with paper cups,
- paper cups feeder with dough and filling,
- transport conveyors,
- oven loading equipment,
- baking band oven,
- transport conveyors,
- cake unloading equipment,
- tins handling,
- cooler,
- packing of the finished products.
Preparation of dough and fillings for the production of cakes is determined according to the specific sort of the requested product. On the other hand the type of the oven is the same basically, the most common cyclotherm one and its features are practically conditional only on the requested production capacity.
Types of tunnel ovens
Band types
Oven accessories
- Automatic control of dampers
- Cleaning and oiling of the steel band
- DUOTHERM – forced air circulation
- Extended steam zone
- Extension of infeed and outfeed of the oven
- Hydraulic band tensioning
- PLC – control with touch panel
- Remote control of baking time
- Stainless steel 2-jacketed chimneys and exhausts
- Stainless steel fan of forced exhaust
- STIR – infrared radiation
- Utilization of waste heat